Video-language pre-training has advanced the performance of various downstream video-language tasks. However, most previous methods directly inherit or adapt typical image-language pre-training paradigms to video-language pre-training, thus not fully exploiting the unique characteristic of video, i.e., temporal. In this paper, we propose a Hierarchical Temporal-Aware video-language pre-training framework, HiTeA, with two novel pre-training tasks for modeling cross-modal alignment between moments and texts as well as the temporal relations of video-text pairs. Specifically, we propose a cross-modal moment exploration task to explore moments in videos, which results in detailed video moment representation. Besides, the inherent temporal relations are captured by aligning video-text pairs as a whole in different time resolutions with multi-modal temporal relation exploration task. Furthermore, we introduce the shuffling test to evaluate the temporal reliance of datasets and video-language pre-training models. We achieve state-of-the-art results on 15 well-established video-language understanding and generation tasks, especially on temporal-oriented datasets (e.g., SSv2-Template and SSv2-Label) with 8.6% and 11.1% improvement respectively. HiTeA also demonstrates strong generalization ability when directly transferred to downstream tasks in a zero-shot manner. Models and demo will be available on ModelScope.
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Accurate airway extraction from computed tomography (CT) images is a critical step for planning navigation bronchoscopy and quantitative assessment of airway-related chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The existing methods are challenging to sufficiently segment the airway, especially the high-generation airway, with the constraint of the limited label and cannot meet the clinical use in COPD. We propose a novel two-stage 3D contextual transformer-based U-Net for airway segmentation using CT images. The method consists of two stages, performing initial and refined airway segmentation. The two-stage model shares the same subnetwork with different airway masks as input. Contextual transformer block is performed both in the encoder and decoder path of the subnetwork to finish high-quality airway segmentation effectively. In the first stage, the total airway mask and CT images are provided to the subnetwork, and the intrapulmonary airway mask and corresponding CT scans to the subnetwork in the second stage. Then the predictions of the two-stage method are merged as the final prediction. Extensive experiments were performed on in-house and multiple public datasets. Quantitative and qualitative analysis demonstrate that our proposed method extracted much more branches and lengths of the tree while accomplishing state-of-the-art airway segmentation performance. The code is available at
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Three-dimensional (3D) freehand ultrasound (US) reconstruction without a tracker can be advantageous over its two-dimensional or tracked counterparts in many clinical applications. In this paper, we propose to estimate 3D spatial transformation between US frames from both past and future 2D images, using feed-forward and recurrent neural networks (RNNs). With the temporally available frames, a further multi-task learning algorithm is proposed to utilise a large number of auxiliary transformation-predicting tasks between them. Using more than 40,000 US frames acquired from 228 scans on 38 forearms of 19 volunteers in a volunteer study, the hold-out test performance is quantified by frame prediction accuracy, volume reconstruction overlap, accumulated tracking error and final drift, based on ground-truth from an optical tracker. The results show the importance of modelling the temporal-spatially correlated input frames as well as output transformations, with further improvement owing to additional past and/or future frames. The best performing model was associated with predicting transformation between moderately-spaced frames, with an interval of less than ten frames at 20 frames per second (fps). Little benefit was observed by adding frames more than one second away from the predicted transformation, with or without LSTM-based RNNs. Interestingly, with the proposed approach, explicit within-sequence loss that encourages consistency in composing transformations or minimises accumulated error may no longer be required. The implementation code and volunteer data will be made publicly available ensuring reproducibility and further research.
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尽管目前基于深度学习的方法在盲目的单图像超分辨率(SISR)任务中已获得了有希望的表现,但其中大多数主要集中在启发式上构建多样化的网络体系结构,并更少强调对Blur之间的物理发电机制的明确嵌入内核和高分辨率(HR)图像。为了减轻这个问题,我们提出了一个模型驱动的深神经网络,称为blind SISR。具体而言,为了解决经典的SISR模型,我们提出了一种简单的效果迭代算法。然后,通过将所涉及的迭代步骤展开到相应的网络模块中,我们自然构建了KXNET。所提出的KXNET的主要特异性是整个学习过程与此SISR任务的固有物理机制完全合理地集成在一起。因此,学习的模糊内核具有清晰的物理模式,并且模糊内核和HR图像之间的相互迭代过程可以很好地指导KXNET沿正确的方向发展。关于合成和真实数据的广泛实验很好地证明了我们方法的卓越准确性和一般性超出了当前代表性的最先进的盲目SISR方法。代码可在:\ url {}中获得。
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在这项工作中,我们探讨了用于语义分割知识蒸馏的数据增强。为了避免过度适合教师网络中的噪音,大量培训示例对于知识蒸馏至关重要。 Imagelevel论证技术(例如翻转,翻译或旋转)在先前的知识蒸馏框架中广泛使用。受到功能空间上语义方向的最新进展的启发,我们建议在功能空间中包括以进行有效蒸馏的功能。具体而言,给定语义方向,可以在功能空间中为学生获得无限数量的增强。此外,分析表明,可以通过最大程度地减少增强损失的上限来同时优化这些增强。基于观察结果,开发了一种用于语义分割的知识蒸馏的新算法。对四个语义分割基准测试的广泛实验表明,所提出的方法可以提高当前知识蒸馏方法的性能而没有任何明显的开销。代码可在以下网址获得:。
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创伤性脑损伤(TBI)患者的脑网络分析对于其意识水平评估和预后评估至关重要,这需要分割某些意识相关的大脑区域。但是,由于很难收集TBI患者的手动注释的MR扫描,因此很难构建TBI分割模型。数据增强技术可用于缓解数据稀缺问题。但是,常规数据增强策略(例如空间和强度转化)无法模仿创伤性大脑中的变形和病变,这限制了后续分割任务的性能。为了解决这些问题,我们提出了一种名为TBIGA的新型医学图像授课模型,以通过配对的脑标签图合成TBI MR扫描。我们的TBIGAN方法的主要优势在于,它可以同时生成TBI图像和相应的标签映射,这在以前的医学图像的先前涂上方法中尚未实现。我们首先按照粗到细节的方式在边缘信息的指导下生成成分的图像,然后将合成强度图像用作标签上填充的先验。此外,我们引入了基于注册的模板增强管道,以增加合成图像对的多样性并增强数据增强能力。实验结果表明,提出的TBIGAN方法可以产生具有高质量和有效标签图的足够合成的TBI图像,这可以大大改善与替代方案相比的2D和3D创伤性脑部分割性能。
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了解人类情绪是智能机器人提供更好的人类机器人相互作用的关键能力。现有作品仅限于修剪视频级别的情感分类,无法找到与情感相对应的时间窗口。在本文中,我们介绍了一项新任务,称为视频中的时间情感本地化(TEL),该任务旨在检测人类的情感并将其相应的时间边界定位在带有校准字幕的未修剪视频中。与时间动作本地化相比,TEL提出了三个独特的挑战:1)情绪的时间动态极为多样; 2)情绪提示都嵌入了外观和复杂的情节中; 3)细粒度的时间注释是复杂且劳动密集型的。为了应对前两个挑战,我们提出了一个新颖的扩张上下文集成网络,该网络与粗细的两流体系结构。粗流通过建模多粒性时间上下文来捕获各种时间动力学。细流通过推理从粗流的多晶格时间上下文之间的依赖性来实现复杂的理解,并将它们自适应地集成到细粒度的视频段特征中。为了应对第三个挑战,我们引入了跨模式共识学习范式,该范式利用了对齐视频和字幕之间的固有语义共识,以实现弱监督的学习。我们为新的测试集提供了3,000个手动注释的时间边界,因此可以对TEL问题进行未来的研究进行定量评估。广泛的实验显示了我们方法对时间情绪定位的有效性。这项工作的存储库位于。
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